If you’re a follower of my personal blog you’d know that I have been trying to get on top of my shape. I’ve decided to start sharing my workout / health related entries on this blog. The truth is, I am not overweight but I am totally fit or buff neither. So I have been pushing myself to try and get a few workout here and there but I had to stop when I had my neck operation to remove a cyst. Ever since, I have been counting the days to commit to a healthier lifestyle.
Almost a month now had passed. I can finally get a jump start again on my plans which I have started with Lady Soma Detox regimen. I have been wanting to try detoxing, but I just never had the time or opportunity to do so. When I have seen this product available for review I immediately applied for it. When I got accepted, you can already imagine how excited I was! This product comes with individual packet with 12 pills on it.
The direction was quite simple. Although, it is quite overwhelming in my opinion. The detoxer [me] will have to take 3 packets a day, 1 in the morning, 1 at noon, and 1 more at night time. That consist of 36 pills altogether. Then I have to continuously take 1 packet at night time for 7 days. T
So far, this is my day 1 and there are no disruptive change on my tummy. No aches or abdominal pain and no potty call yet. Hopefully it won’t be so crazy that I will need to live in the little lady’s room for 7days. I’ll make sure to update y’all again after my first cycle. Check out the ingredients included on each pill …
The Lady Soma Detox is an advanced cleanse designed for women that is easy to follow and gentle on the system. The benefits of the detox program include getting rid of excess waste buildup, reducing bloating, and support in weight loss. The proprietary formula triggers detox using natural plant ingredients ingredients.
Lady Soma had also given me the Lady Mint Tingle as an extra freebie. I really love how it keeps my lips moist and supple. I have a very bad case of leaving my lips dry and chappy. It’s a horrible habit and with this lip moisturizer I can forget about re-application for quite a while as it lasts really long. I am getting quite fond of Lady Soma’s product and I am looking forward to trying out their other products!
For those of you who are interested in purchasing your own Lady Soma Detox it is available for $74.99 with free shipping and handling.