Home How To Avoiding Some Of The Most Common Study Mistakes

Avoiding Some Of The Most Common Study Mistakes

by Angela
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If you are studying and holding down a job, here are some mistakes to avoid:

You are not prioritizing your health – You are never going to get anywhere if you make yourself ill and you have to spend a week in bed. Yes, it can be difficult to look after number one while you have so many other things to worry about. However, if you do not get enough rest and you don’t eat right, your body is going to shut down on you, and this could cost you much more in the long run. So, make sure you are getting the required amount of sleep, and that your body is getting all of the nutrients it needs. If you do this, you will not only ensure your health and well being, but you will find that you are a lot more productive too.

Failing to take a strategic study day – You need to take a strategic study day before every exam. This means that you assign at least one day in the week leading up to your exams to studying and nothing else. This will ensure you feel less stressed in the run-up to your test. If your child is studying online at home for a strategic study day, you may want to consider using Family Orbit so their device is protected.

You are not making the most of every minute of the day – In order to balance work life and study life effectively, and take care of your health too, you need to make the most of every spare minute you have available. For example, if you are waiting to pick your children up from school, why not watch a YouTube study tutorial on your phone? You should also carry flash cards with you at all times so that you can make the most of any spare moments you have available. Your daily commute is another part of the day that should be maximized in terms of studying. If you are driving, you can listen to audiobooks or a recording of you speaking your study notes. You should also record lectures and listen to them in the car. You can turn the speed up to 1.5x so you can take in more information during your drive.

You aren’t making a sacrifice – In order to study effectively while holding down a full time job, you are going to need to make a sacrifice. For example, if you are someone who watches television on an evening, you should sacrifice on hour of this time so that you can study instead. You will never achieve your goals if you do not make adjustments in other areas of your life.

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If you can avoid the errors that have been mentioned above, you will give yourself the greatest chance of balancing your work life and study life effectively. There is no denying that is challenging, and it won’t be plain sailing along the way. You will need to make sacrifices, and it will get trying from time-to-time. But, in the end, when you ace your exams, it will be more than worth it.

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